There is a crack, a crack in everything.
That's how the light gets in...
Leonard Cohen.
We all need to feel secure and understood. Being seen and being acknowledged not only allows us to feel connected to others, but also enhances our understanding of ourselves, consequently increasing resilience and our ability to cope with changing environments. I believe psychotherapy can be of benefit to anyone who is in need and in pain.
Whether in play, talk or cognitive-behavioural therapy, psychotherapy allows children and their parents to address their fears, concerns and difficulties in a confidential and non-judgmental environment. Together we can understand and address your child needs and worries, teach emotional and social coping mechanisms and promote well-being.
Adolescence is a time of change. These changes and the experiences that accompany them generate emotional and interpersonal stress that may confer vulnerability to psychosocial and mental health problems. While seeing children for therapy requires frequent and independent sessions with their parents, adolescent therapy is different, and most if not all of the therapeutic work will be without the parents.